Weekly @ 2nd Floor of the Customer First Centre Wallsend Aged 16-25? Come along for some help and support on the following... CV Writing Job Applications Budgeting Interview Skills Places are limited so you will need to book on by following this link: https://voda.org.uk/our-projects/discoverme/whats-on/ Want to find out a bit more before booking? Please feel free to contact us!

Feeling like you can contibute to the world can have a positive impact on your mental health and wellbeing. Sometimes it's hard to know where to start.

Our Life Skills sessions are designed around you and what you need. If you feel a bit stuck and want to take the first step into moving forward we can help. It might be that you would like to gain more experience so we could explore volunteering with you, or you may need some help with writing an application for a job or college course. Whatever it is, come along and talk to one of our workers.

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