Regularly drinking too much alcohol can have severe effects on your health. There are over 60 medical conditions that you may be at increased risk of by drinking above the guidelines, including mouth, throat, stomach, liver and breast cancers, high blood pressure, cirrhosis of the liver and depression.

Whilst it is true that many adults enjoy alcohol in moderation, increasing numbers are drinking in a way that may adversely affect their health and well-being.

Men and women are advised not to regularly drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week, spread across 3 days or more. For example, a small glass of wine is approximately 1.7 units, a pint of lager is approximately 3 units, and a single measure of spirit is 1 unit.

There's no completely safe level of drinking, but sticking within these guidelines lowers your risk of harming your health. Try using Alcohol Change UK's Unit calculator | Alcohol Change UK to work out how many units you drink.

There is no safe amount amount of alcohol in pregnancy. For more information, speak to your midwife or click Here

· Alcohol and young people

Giving alcohol to children at an early age does not turn them into a “responsible” drinker as an adult. In fact, underage drinking increases the chances of longer-term problems with alcohol misuse and the earlier a child is introduced to alcohol, the more likely they are to have an alcohol problem later in life.

The human brain takes until the age of 25 to fully develop and alcohol can slow down brain development and have a long-term impact on memory, reactions, and attention span. Young people who drink alcohol are also at risk of effects to their mental health and wellbeing, effects to their liver, bones, and growth as well as an increased risk of alcohol poisoning.

Young people who drink alcohol will be less able to consent to sex or sexual touching and are more likely to have unprotected sex. Children who drink alcohol are also more likely to take illegal drugs, get hurt due to violence or accidents, and fall behind academically at school.

Due to the health and social problems, the UK guidance is that children and young people are advised not to drink alcohol before the age of 18.

More information on alcohol in childhood can be found Here and some the myths can be found Here

Benefits of cutting down

Understanding how many units you’re consuming or realising that alcohol can cause unhealthy weight gain or other concerns may make you want to change your drinking habits. You can make informed choices and start to make positive changes to your lifestyle, limiting the impact that alcohol has on you and the people around you.

The immediate effects of cutting down include:

· feeling better in the mornings

· being less tired during the day

· your skin may start to look better

· you may start to feel fitter

· helps you to maintain a healthy weight

· you could save money

For long term benefits and practical tips to help you cut down visit the Tips on cutting down - NHS (

For further information and support visit Drink less - Better Health - NHS (

If you are worried that you may be drinking at harmful levels or have become dependent on alcohol, contact your GP or North Tyneside Recovery Partnership (NTRP) on 0191 640 0180 or visit:
North Tyneside Recovery Partnership - Service user information leaflet | Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (