When it comes to our adult residential services, our primary aim is to make each and every day with us a positive, enjoyable and beneficial one.

The Percy Hedley Foundation provides a range of high quality residential services. We have four different adult residences, which are based in Forest Hall and Jesmond.

We provide a personalised service that meets the needs and aspirations of our residents and strive to encourage independence, dignity and respect and to give our residents the opportunity to make choices whenever possible

All residents have access to a big variety of activities and courses provided by our Day Services at Able 2, Orion, Linskill and Westerhope. Residents can choose to attend on a sessional or full time basis, whichever is their preference.

Our adult residential services at Chipchase House and Ferndene are located in Forest Hall and are well established offering a homely and supported environment for disabled people. The local community is very supportive of our residents who feel part of it.

Our adult services at Tyne House and Moor View are located in Jesmond within our Northern Counties site.

We are passionate about promoting and achieving excellence in residential care.

Close contact between our care staff, support workers and therapists ensures that our staff complement and contribute to the work at the day centre and at home to ensure that our residents live as full a life as possible.