PeerTalk is a national registered charity and we offer support to people living with depression anxiety or related distress through our peer support groups.

Run by trained volunteer facilitators, the strength of these groups is that the support offered comes from others who know the experience of mental / emotional distress and overwhelm. People who come along offer each other empathy, support, and practical suggestions that might help others.

The purpose of the group is not to 'treat' depression, it isn't therapy, it's a support group, from which those that come along can draw strength from the knowledge that they're not alone, aside from the practical help they might receive. You'll find understanding, empathy, acceptance and a willingness to help.

There's no need to be referred, or to book. Just come along.

There are two groups running:

Whitley Bay: Wednesday 7.00 - 8.30pm at the Whitley Bay Big Local, 158 Whitley Road, Whitley Bay, NE26 2LY

North Shields: Wednesday 11.00am - 12.30pm at Meadow Well Connected, Waterville Road, North Shields, NE29 6BA

A warm welcome awaits, and there's tea and coffee after the meeting too.